MODS Blog | Intelligent Industrial SaaS

AWP Tips and Tricks

Written by Lisa De Vellis, PE | May 8, 2024 10:00:00 AM


Here is a checklist of items to get Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) implementation off on the right footing. It is not a complete list but covers some tips and tricks that can be implemented from engineering, procurement and information management standpoints to get your AWP project off to the right start.  

Here are some Engineering, Procurement and Information Management standards for effective AWP Implementation:

  • Include AWP as a requirement in Requests for Proposals and contracts.  
  • Appoint a dedicated AWP Champion to the project.  
  • Ensure that a procedure is in place that prescribes AWP requirements for all project stakeholders.  
  • Use software to identify a project’s Construction Work Packages (CWPs) on the plot plan. 
  • Utilizing construction expertise, develop a Path of Construction (PoC) for the project based on Construction Work Packages (CWPs). 
  • Ensure that the PoC has been vetted by Engineering and Procurement to ensure other work packages match the CWPs. 
  • Structure the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to support work progression through work packages.  
  • Base the naming convention for drawings on the WBS and include the CWP number. 
  • Ensure that both the Engineering Work Package (EWP) release plan as well as the Procurement Work Package (PWP) fabrication support the PoC. 
  • Ensure that the 3D model attributes required to support AWP are specified for the project. 
  • Develop a standard nomenclature for the project, based upon the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). 
  • Onboard Work Face Planning (WFP) software for all project stakeholders.   
  • Establish a common platform (i.e. Cloud) to facilitate data access for all project stakeholders. The Cloud should host document control and materials management with remote and real-time access for all stakeholders. 
  • Use barcodes for materials tracking, which can be covered by materials management software. 
  • Ensure that contracts specify electronic fabrication data as a weekly deliverable. 

Implementing Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) methodology supported by robust software tools is pivotal for competitive, successful project delivery. The engineering, procurement and information management tips and tricks outlined in this checklist are intended to help organizations navigate the complexities of AWP implementation with greater confidence and efficiency from the get-go. 

Embracing AWP not only enhances project delivery timelines but also fosters collaboration, mitigates risks and ensures alignment across project teams. The integration of intelligent industrial software solutions, such as MODS Connect, as unified AWP platforms further empowers organizations to orchestrate seamless coordination, optimize resource allocation and drive data-driven decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. 

As industries evolve and project complexities grow, adopting AWP methodology becomes imperative for staying competitive and achieving operational excellence. By leveraging these tips and tricks, MODS hope you will embark on your AWP journey equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive success in today's dynamic industrial landscape. 

AWP isn't just a methodology—it's a strategic imperative that enables organizations to maximize productivity, minimize costs and deliver superior outcomes. By embracing innovation and harnessing the power of technology, companies can unlock new levels of efficiency and effectiveness in their project execution.


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