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Project Handover headache? We’ve got something for that

Project Handover headache? We’ve got something for that

For those involved in the Completions phase of an Energy facility, a stress-free, effort-less handover is always top of the wish list. The Completions phase is complicated and inherently full of difficulties, delays, and the odd drama too. Of course, it’s a pipedream to believe that the process will be ‘headache free’ but there are solutions currently available that are proving to deliver real results.

Specialized software is the only proven cure that eliminates Completions-related headaches. It’s designed to help you achieve the ultimate objective of a logical, safe, and smooth project handover, from constructor to client, by guaranteeing the right steps have been taken to ensure stable operations.


MODS Completions is one solution that’s ensuring long delays and labor-intensive paper trails are a thing of the past. Robert O’Connor is MODS’ Completions Manager and is keen to highlight the typical pitfalls:

“The Completion phase of a platform’s build or renovations has historically been known as a labor-intensive process that notoriously involves some sort of postponement of project schedules or handover goals. Technical integrity can also be affected and in the end, this all knocks on to impacting budgets, time, and efficiency. When you cannot give an accurate, up-to-date picture of the Completions state, stakeholders, and senior managers, understandably, ask for explanations as they want transparency and visibility in their investment”.

Current, pre-digital processes that rely on paper-based printouts and spreadsheets involve high manual intervention levels. These archaic processes inevitably lead to errors causing safety issues, losses, and holdups. Therefore, it is essential to have the correct solution to manage and monitor all these issues and push project plans forward.

Robert illustrates the numerous challenges:

“Completions is a massive process and involves many contractors, internal departments and of course, people. The physicality of sharing information and communication causes unnecessary delays and without a master database, there are always setbacks in data synchronization resulting in an inaccurate status. Without clear and instant communication between key people, knowledge of the real-time production status will always be unclear. And to top it all off, without a digital solution in place, organizations will, unintentionally, consistently experience incorrect and inaccurate form-filling resulting in lost paperwork and data and this can also be coupled with numerous tasks outstanding due to forgotten timelines”.

Digital transformation is a well-used term when talking about introducing new software systems but the impact from this transformation is very real and effects all areas of the client’s organization. Software solutions for industry’s labor-intensive and outdated processes really can revolutionize a company helping maintain its viability as a market competitor and improving efficiency inordinately.

MODS Completions has already proven its worth time and again in numerous industrial settings. Completions delivers processes that are integrated with the 3D model database and delivers a comprehensive inspection, testing and commissioning program that is accountable, and cost effective. MODS’ multi-discipline solution is cloud-based and provides the total picture, interactively, from a single source.

Robert explains:

“By creating a global sharing environment, and a single source of information fed from a Completion Management System (CMS), MODS Completions creates a visible and dependable integrity management system.  The continuous CMS interface between the contractor and client mitigates any surprises, whilst auto-population, structured administration and reporting from the database, gives a project its driving focus from inception through to completion”.

The Completions web-based software has a user-friendly interface with many features and functions designed to reduce the number of man-hours required to set-up and maintain. These time-saving functions allow personnel to focus on other aspects of the project, such as safety, performance, and efficiency. Milestone goals can be customized, added, removed, or edited, depending on the project requirements. Inspection and test records (ITRs) are then allocated to each milestone as per project set-up.

Each ITR has a unique QR code, allowing for easy of scanning and sign-off within the database. QR codes are used to identify and control the data input. Each reference is a unique item in the process, and by scanning the QR code on single items or by entering the reference number for group data, the relevant input requirements will automatically be presented for editing and sign off.

And sign-off delays also become a distant memory with MODS Completions as it offers two options. The first is the highly popular e-signature which is completed through the handheld device but can also be finalized through the web-based software. The second is a wet-signature function which can allow manual sign-off of ITRs should a project dictate.

Robert is keen to illustrate the software’s ease of use:

“Completions has a contemporary layout, standardised buttons, search functions and a colour-coded monitoring system throughout the database. This makes for ease of administration, minimising the time-taken for daily activities and significantly reduces costly mistakes which could be detrimental to a project. You can import data into the database in two ways, the first uses a datahub function allowing external project data input from the contractor or clients’ information system such as CMS. The second allows mass data imported via Excel spreadsheets”.

The Completions database can be opened and edited via one of the many common web-browsers such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla. All information within the browser accessed database is cloud-managed and remotely backed up, ensuring disaster recovery in the instance of an unfortunate event.

Robert says smooth Handovers are assured with MODS software solutions:

“Multiple search and navigation options are available to users through MODS Completions. Components and jobs can be quickly identified by location, tag, item number or scanner illustrating the issues, technical data, and current status. All this information can be updated, shared, and accessed instantaneously, from anywhere in the world. This innovative solution can really radically change every area of the Completions process, for the better. It’s no surprise that our clients appreciate the accessibility and copious number of functions it offers especially during the global pandemic and movement restrictions we are experiencing now”.

Multiple reasons to digitize your Completions process

As a cloud-based Completions management system, MODS Completions provides an affordable and easily adaptable solution for managing a hassle-free handover utilizing handheld technology and automation. The system is designed to enable users to interact directly with the database online to efficiently track progress, reduce paperwork errors, speed up processes with automated population and deliver accountability while promoting operational excellence in organizations.

Rob agrees that the benefits and return on investment should outweigh any hesitation in opting for this digital solution:

“MODS Completions gives full traceability, accountability and real-time progress tracking – that’s a huge deal in our industry. The Punch item management system identifies and tracks issues during the Completions phase and is an exceptionally valuable tool to management. As are the massive savings in time and money lost due to inefficiencies and poor productivity. Our cloud-based hand-held devices are a huge hit with our clients as they’re simple to use and give instant status updates from the operator and as most of our team are industry experts, there’s always a high acceptance rate of our software systems by front-line workers”.

Rob goes on to explain:

“We can offer a complete paperless solution if clients request it. Full or part options do reduce the large administrative and storage burdens associated with original paper processes. The ability to sign-off on tasks digitally is another factor that our clients really enjoy. There is no lag-time with paper-based sign-offs and with a digital option, forms and related systems can be populated automatically, again saving time and reducing the chance of errors. This is especially useful when compiling the Handover documents when reaching the Commissioning phase”.


Completions and Commissioning: a digital partnership

Early adoption of a robust Completions management system enables a high degree of influence on a project's outcome. Commissioning and Plant start-up schedules are supported and heavily influenced by an accountable Completions system.

Robert recalls:

“Manual systems are riddled with numerous delay factors that a comprehensive software system will automatically negate and offer instant access and detailed information regarding issues and punch items. Completions and Commissioning processes go hand in hand.  Should these projects suffer from delays and inefficiencies; handover and start-up dates will only ever be pushed back rather that pulled forward.  Costs quickly soar into millions over budget unless full control is accessible via a truly accountable system on or offshore”.

MODS software is designed to deliver on all the key areas of the Completions lifecycle. By minimizing delays and reducing schedules, key milestones are completed, all on time. The vital statistics of safety, productivity and profitability are vastly improved as projects are completed faster, smarter, and more accurately.  MODS Completions is a software system that’s changing Industry-process history by ensuring Handovers happen without a hitch.




MODS Connect - Completions

MODS Connect is the overarching suite of software especially built for the challenges faced by EPCs and Operators on Brownfield projects.  Within this software group, Completions is a crucial, integrated component of this offering, removing any doubt of data being siloed during the project.  Alternatively, the Completions software can also function as a stand-alone solution that can integrate with your existing systems.  We recommend looking at the full MODS Connect solution for Brownfield projects for a significant investment return, regardless of size.  

Request a Completions overview meeting today. 

Speak to the experts and find out how MODS can transform the way you manage your Completions projects. 


Ensure stable operations and smooth handover with our Completions software.

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